Pistachio export is one of the most important economic factors in Iran. Iran is the largest producer of pistachios in the world and this product is exported to world markets as one of the country’s main export products. Pistachio export is one of the important sources of income for the country and has a significant impact on the country’s economy.

Pistachios are exported to different countries of the world, including European, Asian and even North American countries. This product is in great demand in global markets due to its nutritional properties and unique taste.

Considering that pistachio is an agricultural product, its export has a significant impact on the country’s rural and agricultural economy. This export creates employment and income for rural people and helps the development of the country’s agricultural industry.

In addition, exporting pistachios to world markets increases the country’s foreign exchange income. This foreign exchange income can lead to strengthening the value of the national currency and helping to balance the country’s foreign trade.

Considering the importance of pistachio export for the country’s economy, the Iranian government should pay special attention to the development and support of the pistachio industry and facilitate its export process. Also, there is a need for the country to search for new markets and develop business relations with different countries of the world so that the volume of pistachio exports to new markets expands.

Considering the positive effect of pistachio export on the country’s economy, it is necessary for the government and the private sector to pay special attention to the development and growth of pistachio export. This issue can greatly contribute to the sustainable development and economic growth of the country.

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