Hazelnut is one of the popular dried products around the world. This product has a pleasant taste and smell and is used in many foods, sweets, desserts and snacks. In addition to the good taste and smell, hazelnuts have many properties that will be discussed in this article.

Increase heart health

Hazelnuts do not contain high amounts of unhealthy fats. In fact, the fats in hazelnuts are known as healthy fats. These fats include monounsaturated fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and omega-3 fatty acids that contribute to heart health. Studies have shown that the consumption of hazelnuts can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Reduce the risk of diabetes

Hazelnuts have high amounts of fiber that help control blood sugar and reduce the risk of diabetes. Also, hazelnuts have a significant amount of protein that helps maintain blood glucose levels.

Increase brain health

Hazelnuts have high amounts of vitamin E, which helps brain health. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps fight oxidative damage and cell aging. Also, hazelnuts have high amounts of minerals such as magnesium and phosphorus that help brain health.

Maintaining skin health

Hazelnuts contain high amounts of vitamin E, which helps maintain skin health. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps fight oxidative damage and cell aging. Also, hazelnuts have high amounts of vegetable oils that help soften and smooth the skin.

Increase bone health

Hazelnuts have high amounts of minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus and calcium that help bone health. Magnesium helps to maintain bone health, and phosphorus and calcium help to grow and strengthen bones.

Increase energy

Hazelnuts have high amounts of protein, fiber and healthy fats that help maintain energy levels in the body. Also, hazelnuts have high amounts of B vitamins that help produce energy in the body.

Properties of hazelnuts for anemia caused by iron deficiency

Anemia is a common problem with symptoms such as extreme fatigue, annoying headaches, dizziness when standing, etc., which can be controlled and treated to some extent with diet. The body needs various substances such as vitamins, iron, calcium, etc. to prevent problems such as anemia.

Hazelnut is a substance that has significant properties for anemia. Anemia may occur in the body for various reasons, and hazelnuts have a significant mechanism for each of the anemias. In the following, we discuss the function of hazelnuts for various types of anemia and how to fix it.

The properties of hazelnuts in treating severe anemia

When the body does not get the iron it needs through various diets and also due to hereditary factors, the body suffers from anemia. This type of anemia is actually due to the lack of enough iron in the body. And by consuming food containing iron, this problem can be solved to some extent.

Lack of iron in the body is especially important for children and teenagers who need a complete diet, as well as for pregnant mothers. One of the properties of hazelnuts for anemia is to help eliminate iron deficiency in the body. Hazelnut is a complete substance because it contains significant amounts of iron. The daily consumption of some of these brains can compensate for the lack of iron in the body and eliminate the resulting symptoms such as fatigue and dizziness.

In some cases, iron deficiency can be due to defects or deficiencies in the body that cause iron absorption. One of the properties of hazelnuts for this problem is to help absorb iron. Manganese and copper are two nutrients in hazelnuts that absorb iron in food. On the other hand, in addition to absorbing iron, these substances can play a significant role in the metabolism of some proteins such as hemoglobin.

The properties of hazelnuts in the treatment of anemia caused by lack of vitamins

The presence of various vitamins is necessary for the body due to its various properties. Meanwhile, some vitamins play an important role in anemia. Vitamin C, E and B vitamins are among these vitamins. Among the causes of anemia is the breakdown of red blood cells. Vitamin E in hazelnuts is effective in preventing the breakdown of red blood cells. In fact, with this mechanism, vitamin E can also greatly reduce the symptoms of anemia.

A type of anemia called megaloblastic is due to a lack of vitamins. In fact, the main cause of this problem is vitamin B12 deficiency. This deficiency can cause the production of red blood cells that cannot carry oxygen easily. This type of anemia can be solved in different ways, such as taking folic acid tablets.

Consuming hazelnuts, despite the presence of various vitamins, including vitamin B12, can be effective in solving this problem and the symptoms of this problem, such as hair loss, lethargy, etc.


Hazelnut is one of the popular dried products around the world. This product has a good taste and smell and has many properties that help heart health, reduce the risk of diabetes, brain health, skin health, bone health and increase energy. As a healthy and delicious food source, add hazelnuts to your diet.

Have a safe and easy shopping experience by buying nuts and dried fruit  from SANA store.

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